Our handsSo, I figured we need to start at the beginning if we are going to get anywhere. 😉 Makes sense, right?!? Of course it does!

This blog will be used as a way to share, and hopefully connect, with others also battling anxiety/panic. So of course that means I can’t give out all the good stuff in the first post. So stick around. It may not always be fun, or entertaining, but it will always be real.

So, here is a bit about me…I’ll even bullet-point it to keep it semi-entertaining:

  • 32 years young
  • 21 years saved by Christ
  • 16 years with my hubs
  • 13 year old daughter
  • 12 year old cat
  • 11 years with anxiety
  • 10 months at home
  • 4 year old cat
  • 2 year old dog = best friend
  • 1 daily medication
  • 1 “emergency” medication
  • handful of people who know the truth

So that is me in a nutshell…ish.

I didn’t have the best childhood. Of course, I didn’t have the worst childhood either. I grew up with a lack of control and thus, I have been trying to be in control ever since. That in and of itself will cause you to break down. There are so many things out of our control. And I had to learn how to deal with them. And let them go. But more on that later.

I am the product of 4 step-dads (and multiple live-in boyfriends), 1 step-mom, 3 half-siblings, 10 step-siblings, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, anorexia, depression, anxiety, a parent with untreated mental illness (possible BPD or schizophrenia) and 49 moves.

I am also the product of a God who loves me, an amazing husband who sacrifices so much for me, a wonderfully gifted daughter, an extended family who would do anything for me, and friends who have stood by my side when I have nothing to give.

I choose to focus on the latter and forget the past. Although, that is what has gotten me into trouble and placed me in the predicament I am in today. Again, I will get more into that later.

I am just your average gal! Christian. Wife. Mother. Friend. Auntie. Daughter.

But I have a secret that most people who know me, don’t know. And it is embarrassing and frightening and frustrating and draining. But I am learning to overcome my struggles and part of that is sharing my story with you.

Keep Fighting!